Monday, February 1, 2010

Jimmy Went To San Zhi

We went to the puppet museum. It was very cool. There were many puppets and you could see who had made puppet. His name was Li Tian Lu. Thewe was in formation about the different kind of puppets. It was good.

Next we went to the Sea Shell Temple. It was cool. It was 50%made from shells. There were many people praying. There were many ocean things in the temple. It was big.

Next we went to see windmills. There was a strong wind. There were saveral windmills. We saw an electricity meter. It was very pretty. It was a good place to go.

Last we went to a fountain and bridge . It was raining. The bridge was scary. We walked over the birdge was shaking. After we walked back, we went back home.


  1. Your first picture is funny !

  2. Your second picture looks so strong, you can lift up a big tea pot.

  3. Where is the picture of the Windmill?
    Arthur Lee
