Monday, February 1, 2010

James goes to San Zhi

Yesterday we went to San Zhi. I saw some things like a drum and I saw some other old things and an old house, too.

Next, I went to the Sea Shell Temple. When we finished our lunch, I went into a tunnel. It was so good. We could make a wish inside. I could see pictures, too.

Next, we went to the windmills. I saw six windmills. It looked like it would hit me, but when it is turning it makes electricity. I saw many flowers. They were all different colors.

Last we went to a place with a fountain and a bridge. When the bridge was moving, it was like an earthquake.


  1. Way you didn't have pecture ?

  2. Carol, don't say "why" to "way"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Arthur Lee
