Monday, January 25, 2010

Candy goes to Neiwan Lao Jie

Yesterday,I went to Neiwan Lao Jie to play. First,we went to eat some AiYu.It has water,AiYu and some lemon in it.It was very dilicious.Itwas a little bit sweet and sour at the same time.
After eating AiYu,we went to take a walk on the street.There were many different stores.We took alot of pictures on the street,and we also walked on an enormous bridge.It was fun,because the bridge could move.When we returned to school,many people felt ill,and throw up on the school bus.


  1. Next time I will tell Jason to bring some Motion sickness pills.

    Arthur Lee

  2. AiYu looks so delicious.

  3. Are you ok right now?

