Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Candy goes to Beitou and Yangming Shan

Yesterday,we went to Beitou and Yangming Shan to play.First,we went to Beitou Hot Spring Museum.We saw many Japanese things except the shoes,and we saw some short movies.After we finished watching movies we went outside.It was very hot,so we bought some ice cream to eat.
Next,we went to Thermal Valley.There is a hot river.One thing that amazed me is one side of river's water was very hot.It was about 90c,but the other side was very cold.It also has a waterfall on it.
Then,we went to Yangming Park to eat lunch.We saw a flower clock.After we finished lunch,we went to take a walk.We saw a pond,and a duck was standing on the rock.I realized the duck was not afraid of people.When I stood close to the duck,it didn't run away.
Finally,we went to Datun nature area.We saw many people taking wedding pictures when we were hiking.After hiking,we wentto buy some drinks,and went back to school.


  1. Beitou Hot Spring Museum that picture why is not you?


  2. Where is your own picture?

    Arthur Lee
