Monday, January 25, 2010

Ann goes to Neiwan

We went to Neiwan Lao Jie. I take a long long time. My teacher bought everyone some Ai Yu to eat . It tasted sweet and cold . It was fun because , we could buy many many thing to eat .I think there were many things to play . There

Are so many different things to eat . We saw many Frogs and turtles that were so cute . We went to Lao Jie and saw moji made from good to nice and we saw a train .There were many sausages to eat . My teacher gave a sausage to his son to eat .s


  1. Where is your picture?

    Arthur Lee

  2. I am also curious where the picture is?

    Ted Jen ( Chanel's Dad )

  3. Why you did not take picture of the train?

