Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Lewes's Day Out In Ilan

Hi! My name is Lewes. I’m in the New Yellow Team of Chuck’s Summer Blog Camp. On Monday morning, I went to the Clogs Museum in Ilan. We left Neihu at 9:30 and the bus trip was O.K., because there was air-conditioning. We arrived at the Clogs Museum at 10:45. In the museum,there were big clogs and small clogs. I thought it was very boring. Outside,we could blow big bubbles, but none stayed airborne really long. Afterwards, we went to “The Center For Traditional Arts”, where we arrived at 12:30. We went to eat lunch once we got in, and after lunch, we could walk around. There were a lot of shops, but the best thing that happened was when Liam was feeding the fish. A fish jumped out and scared him, so he fell into the water! At 3:00, we had to go back to Chuck. It was a great day.

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