Friday, August 6, 2010

Harry on the MRT

Today we went to Taipei City Zoo. First, we went to see the flamingoes. The flamingoes are so strong they can balancing on one leg. Next, we went to see the male deer, which had a disgusting smell. Then we went to see the otters which were so cute. After that, we went to the insectarium which had lots of butterflies and beetles. Then we came home on the MRT. On the MRT there was an old lady who told us we were too loud, but Teacher Andrew said we were not so loud, so the mad old lady went back to her seat.


  1. I think the mad old lady was very bossy...
    By 河馬屁股

  2. Yeh, sure,
    she was "MAD" after all...
    BY Big sister.
