Friday, August 6, 2010

Henry at the Zoo

Today we went to Taipei zoo. It cost us NT$30 to get in. I will tell you what I saw in the zoo. First, I saw the flamingoes which were sleeping. Only two were not sleeping, but they were drinking water. When they sleep they stand on one foot, so I think their balancing is great. And we went to see the monkeys. I saw a baby monkey. The monkeys were playing in the water, but I wanted a monkey to jump in the water.

Harry on the MRT

Today we went to Taipei City Zoo. First, we went to see the flamingoes. The flamingoes are so strong they can balancing on one leg. Next, we went to see the male deer, which had a disgusting smell. Then we went to see the otters which were so cute. After that, we went to the insectarium which had lots of butterflies and beetles. Then we came home on the MRT. On the MRT there was an old lady who told us we were too loud, but Teacher Andrew said we were not so loud, so the mad old lady went back to her seat.

Joshua’s Day at the Zoo

Today we went to the Taipei zoo. Outside the zoo there were a lot of people selling umbrellas, toys and fans. There were flamingoes which were so strong they can use just one leg to stand on a rock. Then we went into a tunnel showing the animals that were in danger of extinction. When we finished in there, we saw a sign about insects, so we went inside the insectarium, where there was a giant beetle. When we were done, we went to the MRT. There was an old grandma that said, “Teacher!”. Today was a really fun day.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Harry Goes To A Coal Museum

Yesterday we went to Pingsi. We first went to the Coal Museum. Inside the coal museum there were the coal miners’ tools. Then we went to eat lunch. Next we went on the train to Pingsi Old Street. On Pingsi Old Street, there was a sausage store, a grocery store and an egg-shaped ice-cream store. The sausages were very good, but they were very expensive, as one cost NT$30.

Joshua in Pingsi

Yesterday, I went to the coal museum. It was really fun. Outside the museum, there was a train, shops and a lot of things, so a lot people bought ice-cream there. Then we went inside the museum. It had 30 worker model collecting coal, that looked real! At last everybody went on a train and went home.

Harry in Ilan

Hi! My name is Harry. I am in the New Yellow Team of Chuck’s Summer Blog Camp. On Monday I went to The Center for Traditional Arts in Ilan. I really enjoyed The Top Shop. Inside, the shop had a DIY section to paint the tops, which cost NT$100. I thought to paint the tops was too expensive, so we went out. Outside the top shop, you could try to spin the tops. So Teacher Andrew tried the top and it worked. At the same time, a reporter walked by and he saw Teacher Andrew and interviewed him with a video camera. Then we went back to Chuck.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Joshua at Ilan

Hi! My name is Joshua. I am in the New Yellow Team of Chuck’s Summer Blog Camp. On Monday, I first went to the Bai Mi Community to see how craftsmen and women make wooden shoes. Then we went back to our bus and went to the next stop, that was called The Center for Traditional Arts. When we got there and fed the fish, we saw a dancing show and then I went home.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Lewes's Day Out In Ilan

Hi! My name is Lewes. I’m in the New Yellow Team of Chuck’s Summer Blog Camp. On Monday morning, I went to the Clogs Museum in Ilan. We left Neihu at 9:30 and the bus trip was O.K., because there was air-conditioning. We arrived at the Clogs Museum at 10:45. In the museum,there were big clogs and small clogs. I thought it was very boring. Outside,we could blow big bubbles, but none stayed airborne really long. Afterwards, we went to “The Center For Traditional Arts”, where we arrived at 12:30. We went to eat lunch once we got in, and after lunch, we could walk around. There were a lot of shops, but the best thing that happened was when Liam was feeding the fish. A fish jumped out and scared him, so he fell into the water! At 3:00, we had to go back to Chuck. It was a great day.

Liam's Trip To Ilan

Hi! My name is Liam and I am in the New Yellow Team of Chuck’s Summer Blog Camp. On Monday, I went to Ilan. I really enjoyed the bus ride. After lunch, we went to The Center for Traditional Arts. There were many shops, but the best one was the Spinning Top Shop. Outside, we tried to spin the tops, but it was very difficult, but I did half of it. I also fed the fish. I enjoyed it, but when I was feeding the fish a fish jumped and it scared me into the water. Except for that, I thought it was a very good day.