Thursday, August 13, 2009

jannie and Fariy cave

After we finished hiking we went to the Fariy cave,
it been one hundred year ago.When we went in the
cave the place is very small .We saw many word on
the rocks beside us, in the cave there were three god
inside the hole. when we went out we saw many people use rocksnto carve the god. The Fairy cave is very fun, we aren't finish ,Then we go to the Fairy cave park.
people use rocksnto carve the god. The Fairy cave is
very fun, we aren't finish ,Then we go to the Fairy cave

jannie and Lover Lake

Da Wu Lun is one place we went in keelung .Da Wu Lun has a beautiful lake called Lover lake then we went to hike. We saw many houses for people long before .I was not very careful so I fell down many times when we finished hikingeveryonefelt very tired.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Jannie in Jiou Fen

There is an old street in JiuFen. There are many people and shops. The best shop was an ocarina shop, The seller played the ocarina and everyone recorded his music. We ate the sweet potato ball for lunch.It was very good and yummy. I bought a little decoration. It was very cute. I had a very fun trip.

Jasmine's-Da WuLun

We go to hike we have see many trees and one eagie.The steps were very wet.We walk very far. I think it is very fun.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Jannie's Profile

My name: Jannie
Chinese name:于捷
Age: 10
Favorite movies: Harry Potter
Favorite book: Harry Potter
Hobbies: Playong Wii
Quote: If you can’t make it good at least make it look good. (Bill Gates)
Bio: I was born in Taipei City. I don’t like carrots when I was small, I loved to play, I went to the park. Once I fell down and my mom and dad took me to the hospital. I was very scared.

Now I am a fifth grader in LIHU school. I have a naughty brother but my mom and dad are very scary. In my school I have many different friends. They are very nice.

Cheri In Jiou Fen

Jiou Fen is just outside Taipei .You can take a bus or you can drive with your family. Many people go there because thereare so many shops on the old street . It's so cool . Many foreigners go there to visit .
Isaw many things .
There was very beautiful candies and cookies . So cool and delicious . It made me want to eat . I didn't buy anything ,but my mouth drooled . I had just eaten lunch an hour before .
I like a nice cell phone strap , but it was too expensive for me .

I Saw many people Everyone was smiling a lot ,because every thing eas so fresh .I like it . Teacher Mike's chidren were so cute ,because their eyes are blue and hair is gold. It's so cool . I like foreigners very much because they are friendly . It was a cool experience .

Monday, August 10, 2009

Jasmine's Day in Jiu Fen

We went to Jiu Fen. It is very big and fun. There were many peoplewho like to go there. There were many toys there, too. We saw a paper magic trick. We went back when it was very hot and raining.

Cheri's Profile

English Name: Cheri
Chinese Name:陳思廷
Favorite Movies: Harry Potter
Favorite Book:The Memory Keeper's Daughter.
Hobbies: Playing computer & watching TV
Quote: 孟子 生於憂患,死於安樂
Bio:I was born in Taipei on Yangmingshan. When I was 5 years old my family moved to LuZhou. I have an older brother name Edward . I like watching TV and playing volleyball. I will be a senior high school student in the Fall. My Brother is one year older than me. He is a senior high school student, too. We don't go to the same school, because he is in an all-boy school.

Jasmine's Profile

English name: Jasmine
Chinese name: 謝采軒
Age: 8
Favorite Movies: Happy feet
Favorite book: The baby pup
Hobbies: Playing with my rabbit

Bio: My name is Jasmine. I am in second grade. I have an older sister. I like to watch TV and play computer.

New Yellow Team!

The Yellow Team has had a shake up as new members have joined and old members have left. Our new team is Cheri, Jasmine and Jannie.