Thursday, July 30, 2009

Madeline's Day in Wulai

Today I went to Wulai with my class. We saw a waterfall. The waterfall was very pretty. The waterfall was big. The waterfall was white. I think the big pretty waterfall has clean water.

Next, Teacher Mike took us to the river and he taught us how to skip rocks. There were many rocks, and many kinds of rocks, too. The rocks were clorful. Jasmine and I were playing with water. It was fun.

Another fun thing we did was when Teacher Mike took us to the train station. We saw a train that was green. It was little and we rode the number two train. When we passed an old lady's house we saw a little squirrel. It was cute. What a fun trip!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Emmy's Trip To Wuli

On,Wednesday July,29.My firend Sandra, my teacher,teacher Mike and I went to Wuli. It was a good day to visit Wuli.

When I got there, I saw one old and fat dog walk toward Sandra. This dog liked to smell Sandra very much . I don't know why, but I think this dog thought Sandra was a dog. Then the dog hugged Sandra very hard. Sandra yelled and screemed then she fell down. I think this dog is crazy. Next I rode the little train down the mountain. When I rode on the train it moved very slowly, but there was some wind. I thought it was very fun, because I hadn't ridden on a little trian the first time I came to Wuli. When I got down mountain. I walked near the river. Teacher Mike taught us how to skip rocks. He told me needed to find round and thin rocks again and again. It's so hard!

I love Wuli very much. I had fun there!

Jasmine's Day in Wulai

I went to Wulai on Wednesday, July 29 with my class. It is famous for its big waterfall. The waterfall was very pretty. I think it has many fish. The waterfall is very big. The falls has a lot of water. I love the big pretty waterfall.
We also got to ride on a train. Riding the train was very fun, because the small train is fast. We saw an old lady's house who had a squirrel. The train was a windy ride, too. I thought the squirrel was cute.
Finally, another funny thing happened. When we were eating snacks, a dog came over. He hugged Sandra. Sandra shooed him away and he chased me because I have a rabbit. Sandra said he wanted to chase a rabbit.
I had fun in Wulai. Everyone should go there.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Tamshui Lao Jie

In Tamshui there are many things I don't see in Taipei. We saw a very small turtle and a pig . I saw someone using wood to make things. To tavel to Tamshui Lao Jie from Fisherman's Wharf you need to buy a 50NT boat ticket. Children pay 25NT. I think it is fun in Tamshui :Lao Jie.

Monday, July 27, 2009


Do you want to know where Tamshui is? Tamshui is a place near Taipei. There are lots of ways to get to Tamshui. You can ride the MRT, boat,and city bus. It's cheaper than going to other places. Taipei to Tamshui is about one and a half hours. In Tamshui the famous places are Fisherman's Wharf and Tamshui Lau Jie. They are good places to travel.

Fisherman's Wharf

Fisherman's Wharf has lots of special things that Taipei city doesn't have. We saw the white bridge named Lover's Bridge. There were many fishing boats and the blue sea. Also there were many good things to eat and play. There were fishermen fishing. Fisherman's Wharf is a good place to go.

Who We Are

We are Emmy, Jasmine, and Madeline -- students in Chuck School's Travel Blog Camp. We will be traveling to fun places around Taipei and writing about our experiences here. We are the Yellow Team. There are four other teams in our camp. Stay tuned for more posts.